Does Hypnosis Work? Hypnosis Will Always Work
Hypnosis is not a silver bullet; however, it is the closest thing to a silver bullet you will ever come close to. – Wayne Walker
Are you ready to uncover the incredible truth about hypnosis? Despite numerous theories about its workings, the simple fact is that hypnosis always works when performed by a trained and experienced hypnotist. However, it's important to understand that hypnosis is not a universal solution. Rather, it is a transformative tool that can be used under the right conditions to bring about powerful and lasting change. By exploring the fascinating world of hypnosis, you can tap into the limitless potential of self-hypnosis and discover the profound impact it can have on your life. So, whether you're skeptical or curious, read on and discover the incredible power of hypnosis!

Hypnosis will always work! Well, that's a bold statement. It is, and I believe it. I believe it, is based on my training, exposure to different thought processes about hypnosis, and experience working with people.
Understanding hypnosis: Theories and unknowns
Let's understand what hypnosis is. Are you ready? No one knows it's all theory, plain and simple. I know that it works, but I do not have the slightest idea of how it works. And if anyone tells you differently, they don't know either. Now, there are many ideas out there, and they all sound good, and I have even espoused some of them myself. We must acknowledge that it remains largely theoretical.
The conditions for hypnosis: On-purpose and not on-purpose
When I say hypnosis will always work, I am not implying that it is universally effective for every individual. Anyone and everyone can experience being hypnotized under the right conditions. Those "right conditions" could be favorable, happy, relaxing, chaotic, damaging, and far from happy conditions. I, as the hypnotist, do not hypnotize anyone. I create the right conditions that allow a person to drop down into the process or state of hypnosis. There is a term in my world that other hypnotists are trained to use, "All hypnosis is self-hypnosis," and it's true. However, if a person has no idea of what hypnosis is, what it feels like, or how to do it, then on purpose, hypnosis will elude them. Notice the words I used and said "on purpose hypnosis," which means a person wants to go into hypnosis. They either do so or attempt to go into top hypnosis by using self-hypnosis techniques or by allowing a hypnotist to lead them there.
So if there is "on-purpose hypnosis," there must be "not on-purpose hypnosis." And yes, there is no on-purpose hypnosis. Every alive today experiences not on-purpose hypnosis every day, anywhere between 3-7 times a day, or a person could be in a state of waking hypnosis all the time.
Examples of not on-purpose hypnosis
What is "not on purpose" hypnosis? There are several examples hypnotists use to explain to a person how they have already experienced hypnosis, such as "Have you ever driven from point A and arrived at point B and wondered why you are already there, or asked yourself, did I stop at the stop sign?". If you did, then you experience a state of not-on-purpose hypnosis or trance. Or "Have you ever been so engrossed in a movie or TV show that you did not notice another person coming into the room and placing something down in front of you, or do you even remember them saying anything or that you responded? That is not on purpose hypnosis or trance.
Other examples of not on-purpose hypnosis
But there are other examples of how we enter not-on-purpose hypnosis or trance. Here are a few examples: trauma, the stress of varying degrees, being in a high emotional state (whether positive or negative), the triggering of the flight, fight, or freeze primitive mind. Why is it called flight, fight, or freeze a primitive mind? I have no idea. You can see the flight, fight, or freeze mechanism daily on almost any news station. Look at car chases; why would a person try to outrun the cops nowadays when there is virtually a 100% chance they will ultimately be caught? It's because the flight, fight, or freeze primitive mind has been triggered. The fight, flight, or freeze response is a natural and automatic physiological and psychological reaction that occurs when a person perceives a threat or danger—often referred to as a primitive or instinctual response because it is deeply rooted in our subconscious mind to protect us. When faced with a potentially threatening situation, the body prepares to either confront the threat, escape it, or remain still and hidden. The fight-flight or freeze response is an automatic reaction and "not" a conscious decision. Can we say hypnosis or trance? The brain rapidly initiates this response to prepare the body to deal with imminent danger. I could write a whole article on this subject alone; I might just do that.

Hypnosis as a last resort: Success through commitment
So, hypnosis will always work, even when everything else fails.
When a person comes to me for help, hypnosis is often a last resort. People have run through medical doctors and traditional talk therapists and have taken or are on numerous drugs to solve their issues before they come to Wayne Walker. As a Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist, I have a very high success rate in helping people, not because I am so good, which I am, but because I vett all people who approach me for my services. I use various tools and skills to assess if hypnosis is right for them or if I am right for them at this time. I turn away 10% or so of the people who approach me, or they disqualify themselves. This does not mean I will never work with them; it's just that they are not ready for what I do at this time, and they are not ready to commit to the process and, most of all, change.
The parameters of hypnosis: Wanting and rapport
So, what are the parameters of hypnosis always working with a person? First and foremost, the person must "want to" allow themselves to go into hypnosis, and they must want to solve whatever it is they want to change, improve or accomplish. The second is that there must be a positive rapport between the hypnotist and the client. That's it. Do these two things, and hypnosis will occur, profoundly impacting your life, which I can promise you.